New book is ready, is going to be presented in August 2024 La urgente necesidad de la ciudad intermedia. Buenos Aires Alberto Alfredo Landi photographs – Diaz Ortiz Ediciones Alberto Alfredo Landi’s book on Buenos Aires
New book is ready, is going to be presented in August 2024 La urgente necesidad de la ciudad intermedia. Buenos Aires Alberto Alfredo Landi photographs – Diaz Ortiz Ediciones Alberto Alfredo Landi’s book on Buenos Aires
The People of Rome A deep declaration of love for the people of his city by the photographer Davide Domenichelli text and photos by Davide Domenichelli, 2019 text in English, Italiano y Castellano It’s always very difficult to propose in a different way something that you have before your eyes every day … On the otherRead more
JAPAN: the restorative force of the Beauty La forza ristoratrice della Bellezza – La fuerza restauradora de la Belleza photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi text by Beppe Costa 2019 text in English, Italiano y Castellano In a cold spring two men walk silently under the cherry trees in bloom, among cemeteries, temples and underground crowds.Read more
“Buenos Aires, a portrait of the city” in the architecture magazine AREA Il numero 162 della rivista AREA su Buenos Aires text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2019 text in English, Italiano y Castellano The February 2019 issue 162 of the prestigious international architecture magazine AREA is a special monograph on Buenos Aires. 180 pages onRead more
Pride, Devotion and Society: from misery to prosperity, a look back over 40 years of Catholic processions in social Torino The processions of the Madonnas of the Consolata and the Ausiliatrice 1980-2018 The processions of the Madonnas of the Consolata and the Ausiliatrice 1980-2018 Orgoglio e Devozione: dalla miseria al benessere, uno sguardo su 40 anni di devozione Cattolica nella TorinoRead more
Will the food save us from the techno-isolation? Eight pictures to think about La tavola ci salverà dall’isolamento da tecnologia? Otto immagini per pensare text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2017 text in English, Italiano y Castellano Techno-isolation is an important aspect of the actual life. Of these eight images, seven show people that somehow are focusedRead more
Venezia 1980: the last days of Carnival at the time of the “Anni di Piombo” Venezia 1980: gli ultimi giorni del Carnevale convivendo con gli Anni di Piombo text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 1980 text in English, Italiano y Castellano This series of photographs reports the last days of the 1980 Venetian Carnival. The CarnivalRead more
New York High Line: the great beauty of the modern urban landscape La High Line a New York: la grande bellezza del moderno paesaggio urbano text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2011 text in English, Italiano y Castellano The modern inhabitant of the city is in perennial conflict between the fascination of the natureRead more
Individual and family fates: La Chacarita in Buenos Aires Destini individuali e famigliari: La Chacarita a Buenos Aires text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2016 text in English, Italiano y Castellano Fades of a family tomb, La Chacarita, Buenos Aires 2016chacarita-1023241 The monumental part of the cemetery of La Chacarita, one of the oldestRead more
Warszawa 1981: an eye on a razed and rebuilt city Varsavia 1981: uno sguardo su una città rasa al suolo e ricostruita text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2016 text in English, Italiano y Castellano Dog waiting for his owner outside a supermarket. 1981Varsavia1981-0009 On September 1, 1939 the German Wehrmacht invaded Poland and massed 400.000Read more
Architecture for collective living: the NARKOMFIN building in Moscow Architetture per il collettivismo: il NARCOMFIN a Mosca text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2016 text in English, Italiano y Castellano The stunning half-round balconies on the south facade. 2016 The oblique light of an early spring in Moscow defines the view of a badlyRead more
New York iconic food: Katz’s Delicatessen and Nathan’s Famous Il cibo vero di New York: Katz’s Delicatessen e Nathan’s Famous text and photos by Alberto Alfredo Landi, 2011 text in English, Italiano y Castellano When we think of the identity of a city, we commonly refer to the urban landscape, the monuments and the traditions. However a strong and powerfulRead more