REPERTA: giving the photos some sense
The find (reperto) is not just something found, is something found during a Research, which is part of a rational reconstruction path. Eg. pictures of the grandfather that were found in the attic are not finds, but if after his disappearance rummage through his things looking for something that talk about him, that’s they become. If you are walking in the countryside stumbling in a capital of a column that rises from the ground, you did not fall on a find: It is a find when I wonder what it is doing there, when I understand how piece of a story. Finally, if I find a note on the floor is not a find, but if you find at the crime scene, and has certain prints on it, here is an exibit, that could become evidence in a trial. In essence, the qualification of an object changes only vary of thought with respect to that object.
“It distinguishes the find from any other object found or found to be the result of a specific search. The jewel, nail, coin or buckle extracted from the ground from the tripper with metal detector in the basket of the picnic it is not finding. There statuette, sword, mosaic or cup sold on the antiquities market and exhibited living room or in the garden is not finding. The exhibit takes its value according to the the context in which it is found, the association with other findings or data, and its meaning is influenced by the intention and method if whoever finds from questions that does to himself those who questioned him.”
The REPERTA project aims to “giving the photos some sense“, driving them in a documentation path and help us to reflect on the reality from different points of view.
The project is open to external contributions, please go to Contacts page for further informations.
Ethics of Editing: please take note that all the photographs are real and that the content of a photograph will never be changed or manipulated in any way.